How to apply to modeling agencies.
Applying to agencies is really easy, but making sure your application stands out is a different story.
With a few simple steps, you can find the right agency for you and make sure your submission stands out.
Do your research.
There are a lot of modeling agencies in the world and only some are legit. Click here to learn more about deciphering if a modeling agency is legit.
Other than knowing if an agency is legitimate, it’s important to figure out what type of agency it is. Does this agency have a height requirement? Do they only sign a certain type of model? Does your look work with their style?
If the agency has a height requirement, and you aren’t tall enough- don’t apply. They will measure you on site and an obvious lie never looks good. There are other ways to get into these agencies, but we’ll talk about that later.
Once you find agencies that seem like a good fit for your brand, find their submissions page and follow the directions when you submit.
Are you still having trouble finding agencies that seem like a good fit?
Check the height requirement.
Check the agency location. If they aren’t in your home city, can you travel there often?
Do the models on their current board have a similar look to you?
Do their models book the types of campaigns you can see yourself in?
Take model digitals.
Now listen up! Digitals do not need to be taken by a professional photographer. And most agencies prefer it if they aren’t! Stop getting scammed into paying hundreds of dollars for “professional” digitals when the majority of top modeling agencies request you take them on your phone.
Many agencies will have rules or guidelines for how they want you to take digitals for submission and the majority want you to avoid editing, avoid professional photography, and just submit simple digitals.
Rules for model digitals:
Plain color background
No makeup (or barely any to the point it doesn’t look like any)
Plain outfit (jeans and a tank, plain color bikini, etc.)
Good light (make sure your face is well-lit with no shadows)
You can see some great examples on Elite Model Management’s website. If one of the top agencies in the world is giving you directions for digitals, listen.
Have accurate measurements ready.
Elite also has a great explanation on how to take your measurements. Just scroll to the bottom of the application page.
Use a flexible measuring tape. If you don’t have one, you can buy them at most craft stores or Amazon.
When taking your measurements, be sure the tape sits against your body but you aren’t pulling it super tight. And again, do not lie about your measurements.
Why am I not hearing back from agencies?
There are a few reasons this can happen.
You aren’t a good fit for their agency. This is just a simple fact. They don’t think your look will work for the type of work they book.
They have too many models who look just like you. Some agencies might reject your submission because their roster of blond haired, blue eyed models is already full. If you think the agency fits your vibe, but you see a lot of models who look just like you, maybe let them know in your submission that you’re open to changing your look. This usually means your hair.
They pretend to accept diversity when they really don’t. If their submission page says they accept models of all sizes, races, genders, etc. but you notice their roster falls short, they might not be holding themselves accountable. Luckily there are plenty of agencies out there that love diversity!
Your photos aren’t very good. Some agencies will look at your instagram, website, tiktok, etc. and if they see a lot of subpar photos or photos that they don’t like, they might reject your application. Some agencies will only look at your digitals, but most will ask for social media profiles. If your brand on social media doesn’t fit their agency brand, they might pass. Or if you have a lot of poorly done “professional” photos, they may second guess your modeling abilities. Sadly, bad photos can make you look like a bad model.
It’s not the right time. It sounds silly but I know models who were rejected from agencies just to be accepted when they applied again 6 months later and a different agent received their submission or the agency had a sudden demand for models with their look. Timing matters. While you can’t always predict the right time to submit, a best practice is to submit yearly.