What photos do agents want?

This is a little bit of a trick question because every agency is different, so it’s always best to just ask your agent what type of photos they’d like to see in your portfolio. But maybe you’re not signed to an agency yet and are hoping to build a portfolio that will get you signed. In general agencies want to see what you look like without the heavy makeup, creative styling, and dramatic poses. Look up the agencies you want to apply to and look through some of the portfolios on their website before committing to a style that doesn’t fit their agency look.

Here are some of my photographs seen in agency portfolios to help give you an idea. You’ll see a common theme regardless of the type of photo: face. Agents want photos where your face is clear, not overly edited, and not blocked by hair or props. As a model, you are selling your look so be sure it shows!


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Your personal brand